Wednesday, October 28, 2009

10 Months Already!

I can't believe you are already 10 months old! It seems like only yesterday I had to drop Teagan off at Grandma and Grandpa's because we had to be at the hospital in the morning to have you. Before you were born everyone always warned me that because Teagan was such a good baby that you were going to be a terror. And wow have you proved everyone wrong! You are the happiest baby...always laughing and smiling, even when Teagan is pushing, pulling, tackling, poking, yelling, and generally just harassing you. But she does it all out of love, at least that's what I keep telling myself! These days you're crawling like a mad man and pulling yourself up on everything. You can walk around holding on to something and can stand by yourself for a bit before you topple over. You can say mama and dada and use them correctly when you see us. You're eating any and all baby food that's put in front of you! You also love the little gerber puffs and cheerios. I guess you have what they call a "healthy appetite" ;) You're in about the 88th percentile for height and weight and are wearing 12 month clothes. Sutter, we just love you to pieces and are so happy that you're our little big boy!
Mom & Dad

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