Monday, February 14, 2011

Catch Up

Well I don't have any pictures to share right now, but I'll try to catch everyone up on what's been going on in our household. Sutter continues to make us laugh constantly, he has just the funniest personality and is always doing something to make us laugh. It's very hard to discipline him when I'm laughing hysterically over what he had just done, which is probably why he gets away with way too much! Like the other day in the bathtub when he yelled at me "Damn it, don't wash my wenis!" I was laughing so hard at the wenis comment that I couldn't yell at him for saying a naughty word! We've really cracked down on disciplining him lately now that he's two years old he definitely knows right from wrong but just loves to test us. And test his sister, he enjoys to just walk past her and hit her for no reason other than the fact that he can. Now we warned Teagan when she was younger and would beat up on him that he would be bigger one day and payback's a bitch...I bet she's wishing she would have listened to us now! Sutter also realized the thing that drives Teagan the most crazy is getting about an inch from her face and yelling at her as loud as he can. It's better than hitting her I guess;) As for Teagan, she's still our sweet, caring little girl. I don't know where she gets this sweet, emotional side from, certainly not me! But it's so cute seeing her take care of all her babies and get so concerned when anyone we know is sick. Her teacher at church this past Sunday pulled me aside to tell me that another little boy was upset because he didn't get picked as a helper for some activity and Teagan put her arm around him and told him that not everyone can get picked, but that's ok because next time it will be someone else's turn. I was so proud of her, she sure can be sweet when she wants to...but she definitely has her sassy side too;) And that's the side I can take credit sense on trying to deny that!
Well that's really all that's going on around here, nothing too exciting just the typical craziness with work and kids;) I'll try to add some pictures from some of our recent outings to the museum and kids in motion soon!

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