Tuesday, June 16, 2009


I haven't downloaded any pictures off the camera in a long time so I don't have any to post...but I still thought I'd write a little update:) With the upcoming move it's pretty crazy at home, but the kids are doing great (besides Sutter having a little cold right now). Teagan is just crazy, she is a sponge and absolutely everything she hears she repeats. And I mean everything...she dropped her sippy cup the other day and said "damn it". I'll take full blame for that one since I know that has slipped out a few times in front of her. She also has said "suck" when she drops something or doesn't get her way. I believe it just comes out that way because she can't pronounce f's too well...I will not take the blame for that one though! The only good thing is that she knows when to use the words as they are always in the right context, so she's learning! And Sutter is probably the happiest baby ever. All you have to do is look at him and he just smiles from ear to ear:) Teagan is a great big sister and helps out a lot....but she also has her sassy moments. If Sutter cries she yells at him and tells him to "take a nap now". We've been up north a lot lately and Teagan loves to go out in the boat and see the fish we catch. She gets excited when we reel in and she sees the minnow on the hook...she starts yelling you have a fish and then I have to explain that that's what we started with and we want to get a bigger fish! She has mastered her ABC's and can count to 10. She will eat pretty much anything and would prefer peas for dessert over anything else....hopefully she'll never realize that peas really aren't dessert! Sutter is eating cereal now, but he prefers to spit it back all over you rather than swallow it. I can't blame him though because that stuff doesn't taste too good. Hopefully in the next couple weeks when he starts eating other baby food he'll enjoy it more. Also, Sutter has rolled from his tummy to his back a couple of times on his own. I say on his own because Teagan is more than happy to give him some help and push him over when he's on the floor. Amazingly she hasn't broken his arm off yet. All I have to say is that when Sutter is older and BIGGER than Teagan she better look out because he's going to have a lot of making up to do for all the stuff she's done to him! Well I think that's all I have for now. I hope everyone has a great week and I'll try to get some pictures posted soon:)


1 comment:

The Sherman's said...

holy crap! she can say her ABC's!? and count to 10? Damn, we better get to work! Layla is only 5 mo younger than Teagan! Glad to hear all's well and that Sutter is still happy as ever.