Thursday, August 13, 2009

Adventures in Potty Training

So first of all I thought this potty training thing was going to be a lot harder than it's actually been. Teagan stays dry most days and about 50% of nights. She's starting to actually tell us she has to go BEFORE she goes which definitely helps. She used to tell us she had to go right after she went so I was just putting her on the potty every half hour and that worked, but was also quite annoying. So now that she is telling us it's helping out a lot. Going "number 2" in the potty has been interesting. I thought that that would be the biggest hurdle...that she'd just keep going in her pull up for a while. Nope she just decided not to go at all. After 4 days of not going at all she started telling me that she had to poop so we'd run to the potty and then sit and sit and sit. This went on for a couple hours of her telling me every 10 minutes that she had to go and then alas she finally did! She was soooo excited and I have her chocolate milk as a reward....instead of the usual 2 pez she gets for going pee pee. Anyway, so she has gone number 2 on the potty now 3 times, but she waits days inbetween and then it turns into a production. I mean I'm glad she's not going in her pull up, but I just hope that she'll start going more again and not hold it for days!

Ok enough about poop and pee. I need to write about some of the crazy things that come out of her mouth so that I don't forget about all these moments. Teagan has been very inquisitive when I change Sutter about the additional part he has down there. So I told her it was his pee pee. That seemed to work well, but then Matt was changing Sutter one day and Teagan asked what that was so Matt being a guy told her it was a penis. BIG MISTAKE. Well she came and found me and said "Mom, Sutter has a penis" and I laughed which was also a mistake because now she thinks it's funny to say that. Like when we're walking through a store...Teagan used to yell at everyone that passed us "This is Sutter and he is my brother" and I'd just smile at the other person and it was fine. Well now she yells to everyone "This is Sutter and he has a penis" and this is why I may never go in public again. I mean seriously what do I say to that?! Here's a great conversation that took place while we were all in the car the other day...

Teagan: Mom, Sutter has a penis
Kelly: Oh really?!
Teagan: Yeah, it's in his diaper. And daddy has a penis too.
Kelly: Where's daddy's penis?
Teagan: In his butt!
Kelly as I'm laughing so hard I can hardly breathe: Matt you have a penis in your butt!!!

Yes, we are very mature around here.

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