Thursday, January 19, 2012

Typical Morning

My day pre 8am…

Alarm goes off…hit snooze several times

Wake up Teagan once I’m completely ready

Still trying to get the whiney crabby monster outta bed after 15 minutes(she takes after her father)

Teagan sits down to her bowl of cereal

Make Sutter’s lunch and make sure backpacks have snow gear (I forgot Teagan’s mittens once and got yelled at)

Yell at Teagan to start eating because she still hasn’t touched her cereal and she is now resting her head on the table

Wake Sutter up…he’s delightful in the morning (takes after his mommy)

Get Sutter some milk to drink

Get Sutter dressed

Tell Teagan she has no more time to eat and has to get dressed

Teagan’s crying because she didn’t “get a chance” to eat (not sure what she calls the 35 minutes she sat in front of her cereal staring at it)

Get Teagan dressed

Sutter walks past me and dumps his milk all down the front of me

Change my clothes

Come back in the kitchen to Sutter crying because he wants “a treat”

Cat dumps over Teagan’s cereal bowl that she left on the table

Clean up spilled milk/cereal and milky cat pawprints

Give in and give them both a small baggie of nerds

Get everyone out the door to the car (picture herding cats here)

Teagan asks if she can marry Sutter, I say no he’s your brother

Teagan proceeds to cry because “Sutter is a prince so she has to marry him”

I explain that you can’t marry family, unless you live in the south which we don’t

Teagan replies “well I don’t know how I’m going to find anyone better than Sutter”

Drop both kids off at their schools (yes, 2 different ones)

Get to work only 20 minutes later than usual…not bad


The Bunny Burrow said...

this scares me! i thought getting puked on was too much!

Brooke said...

o my girls!!! wait until the school bus conversations begin! then you'll have some real explaning to do!