Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Still Alive

Just thought I'd post a little update. Nothing too exciting going on here, Matt gutted the bathroom last week so hopefully we can get that put back together in the next couple weeks. I see a lot of tiling in our future! Sutter has worn undies now for about a week with only one accident. I still put a diaper on him at night so he waits until I put it on him and then he clockwork. So I have to figure out how to get him to poop on the potty and then we'll be set! Below is the convo I had with Teagan on the way to school this morning...I need to start documenting some of these cute conversations we have:)
Teagan: "Mom, my best friend at school is Simone"
Me: "That's nice, why is she your best friend?"
Teagan: "Because she smells really nice"
Me: "Well smelling nice is an important quality in a friend"
Teagan: "Yeah, I think her mom rubs cupcakes in her hair"


The Bunny Burrow said...

can't wait for the picture of the day Teagan rubs cupcakes in her hair...or better yet Sutter's hair :)

Anonymous said...

Matt did the same thing!!!! Guess who would know this????

Kelly, Matt, Teagan and Sutter said...

Ha ha...I bet it's Nanny! I am happy to report that Sutter (and Matt for that matter) has figured it out and is 100% potty trained:)