Sunday, April 12, 2009

The Duck Incident

So in case you don't know Teagan loves rubber duckies. When she takes a bath there's almost no room for her because she has so many ducks. Knowing this the Easter Bunny brought Teagan a chocolate duckie. She was very excited about this, so I took it out of the package and let her have a bite. She bit off the beak and then to be funny I bit off the head. Apparently to an almost 2 year old, that's not funny. She first yelled at me and then cried. She continued to bring up how "Mommy chew the duckie head" for hours. We couldn't even get her to bed tonight because she was so upset about the duck! I've completely traumatized my daughter now...she's probably in bed having nightmares about it right now. Here are a few pics of the of the duckie before, then one after, and Teagan's reaction after.


The Sherman's said...

geeze mama! how could you do that to her ducky!?!? Love the before and after pics. Poor Teagan... maybe I should have a chocolate doll of you and bite it's head off as a payback for you biting Teagan's duck's head off. ;)

Kelly said...

Give me a break, I still have to listen to Teagan say "Mommy chew ducky" like 10 times a day