Monday, April 27, 2009

Teagan's Two!!


You’re 2??!! Where did the time go? I still look at you as my little baby, even though you are turning into such a sweet beautiful little girl. Time sure does fly, but then again I can’t even remember life before you…what did we do?! I know one thing’s for sure; we didn’t smile and laugh as much as we do now before we had you. You are such a joy to have around; you make us laugh all the time. The things you come up with to entertain yourself and those around you are amazing. You are such a smart little girl; you talk in full sentences most of the time now. You tell us exactly what you want and usually insist on doing it yourself. You’re wearing size 3 diapers, 18-24 mo clothes and 6.5 shoes. You’re our little peanut:)

You LOVE being outdoors…you must get that from your daddy! You have no fear. You’ll go down any waterslide, you’ll go on any ride you can at Great America. I can’t wait until you’re tall enough to be my roller coaster buddy! But you’re still definitely a girly girl…you don’t like getting your hands dirty…if they do get dirty (heaven forbid) you come find us and say “I’m a mess” and that’s our signal to clean you up. You also love wearing dresses and “looking pretty” as you say:)

You are such a great big sister. You help us with Sutter any way you can; always helping, never jealous. You try to play with him even though he really can’t do much yet. But you’ll lay under his floor gym with him and show him all the cool toys that hang and how they work. He just adores you too, every time you look at him he just lights up. I can’t wait until you two can play together more.

Teagan, your daddy and I love you more than you’ll ever understand until you have children of your own. You are an amazing little girl and we can’t wait to see what the next year brings.

Love and kisses, forever and for always~

Mom & Dad

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